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📚 Can I play Stadia games on my computer?

💡 Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

Best answer: Yes! However, there are a few caveats to keep in mind. Stadia on PC requires Google's ubiquitous Chrome browser, a minimum 10Mbps internet connection to play games at 720p, and the Stadia Founder's/Premiere Edition. And at the time of writing, the 4K option is not available on PC just yet. Required: Stadia Premiere Edition ($129 at Google Store) Works with Stadia: Xbox One Controller ($47 at Amazon) Google Chrome required While Chrome is a juggernaut, not everyone is on board with it. Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer still hold a lot of sway, and others like Firefox and Opera keep fighting the good fight. Regardless of where you might fall, Chrome is a must to play Stadia games on a PC. Why, you might ask? It's because Stadia doesn't require any software to be installed. In fact, it's operating system agnostic, meaning that it doesn't matter if you use Windows, MacOS, or Linux. This certainly falls to Stadia's benefit, since it opens itself to the entire market... ...

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