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📚 CentOS Linux 7 (1611) Released, It's Derived From Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security
🔗 Quelle:

Today, December 12, 2016, CentOS maintainer Karanbir Singh was proud to announce the release of the long-anticipated Red Hat Enterprise Linux-based CentOS Linux 7 (1611) operating system. As Red Hat announced last month the release of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3  operating system, it was clear that a new CentOS Linux 7 release is being prepared by Karanbir Singh and the rest of the awesome developers behind this Open Source initiative built on top of the freely distributed sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. "As with all CentOS Linux 7 components, this release was built from sources hosted at In addition, SRPMs that are a byproduct of the build (and also considered critical in the code and buildsys process) are being published to match every binary RPM we release," said Karanbir Singh in today's... ...
