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📚 Google Photos Trialing Monthly Subscription To Get Your Best Pictures Auto-Printed

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Google Photos is now trialing a "monthly photo prints" subscription program where the company will send you 10 prints that will be "automatically selected from your last 30 days of photos." 9to5Gogole reports: This subscription program is a way to "get your best memories delivered straight to your home every month." For $7.99 per month, subscribers get 4x6 pictures printed on matte, white cardstock that features a 1/8-inch border. While an automatic process leverages Google Photos' smarts, you'll be able to pick one of three themes for your monthly prints. Google touts the first "people and pets" option as being the "most popular." Additionally, you can edit the photos before they're printed. Delivered in a cardboard envelope, Google imagines these prints as being "perfect to put on the fridge, in a frame, or to give as gifts to the important." Similar to efforts with Smart Displays, this program adds an interesting tactility to images that most people only experience virtually today. Currently, this Google Photos print subscription is classified as a "trial program" in the US. Those selected will see a "You're invited to the monthly photo prints trial" banner to join at the top of Google Photos on the web.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

