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📚 Kdenlive 16.12 Video Editor Adds Advanced Trimming Tools, Rotoscoping Effect

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security
🔗 Quelle:

The Kdenlive development team announced a new stability version of the open-source video editor designed for KDE Plasma desktop environments, Kdenlive 16.12, released as part of the KDE Applications 16.12 software suite. We've already told you all about the goodies and updated KDE apps that have been included in the final release of the KDE Applications 16.12 software suite for KDE Plasma 5 desktops, but it looks like the Kdenlive video editor got its own announcement, and the changes included in this version are quite very interesting. First off, it appears that Kdenlive 17.04 will be the next major release of the application, as the developers have revealed in the announcement, where they're proud to announce the initial implementation of the Advanced Trimming Tools, which requires them to revamp the timeline a litt... ...
