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📚 Xiaomi's Next High-End Smartphone Has 4.6-Inch FHD Display, Snapdragon 821 CPU

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Following the release of the huge Mi Mix phablet featuring a 6.4-inch Quad HD display, Xiaomi plans to offer customers who prefer much smaller phones a very powerful alternative, the Mi S. Xiaomi Mi S hasn't been officially unveiled yet, but a couple of slides showing the phone and most of its specs have been leaked in China. The name of the phone appears on some of these slides, which is why there's a high chance that Xiaomi will adopt it when the device gets unveiled. The overall design of the Mi S doesn't stand out for other Xiaomi smartphones, but we see no reason for the Chinese company to c... ...
