🪟 State of Decay 2's updates show commitment, but State of Decay 3 needs more
Nachrichtenbereich: 🪟 Windows Tipps
🔗 Quelle: feeds.windowscentral.com
State of Decay 2's range of updates and upgrades shows Undead Labs' huge commitment to the franchise, but State of Decay 3 needs to be far more ambitious. State of Decay 2 is a personal highlight of this generation, but it's by no means what I'd call a polished game. Two years after it launched in a pretty sorry state, it remains a very janky game, with strange engine anomalies, crazy physics bugs, and rather pedestrian animations and interactions. State of Decay has something truly special about it, though. Combining a rich strategy simulation layer with open-world action is incredibly rare to see, and for me, incredibly compelling. No game on earth captures the essence of a Hollywood zombie apocalypse experience like State of Decay does for me, despite all of its problems. This week, Undead Labs released State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition, bringing the game to Steam with cross-play for co-op, and adding a range of improvements. I've dived back in after a year or more away from... ...
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