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📚 Apple Plans To Open Its First Apple Store in Samsung’s Home Turf

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
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Apple Korea has posted job-openings for the first-ever Apple Store in South Korea, Samsung’s home country. It seems that the company has 15 such openings for a new store that will be opened in Seoul, South Korea. Local news agencies say that construction at the new Apple Store has already started in the southern district of Seoul. The store might open late this year and until then local customers can buy iPhones through re-sellers and from Apple’s online store. “We’re excited about opening our first Apple Store in Korea, one of the world’s economic centers and a leader in telecommunication and technology, with a vibrant K-culture. We’re now hiring the team that will offer our customers in Seoul the service, education and entertainment that is loved by Apple customers around the world,” Apple Korea said. Apple is planning to open a Genius Bar at the Apple Store Apple is also hiri... ...
