Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator 📌 Frippin' heck: Watch out, chin-stroking prog rock fans. King Crimson distributor Burning Shed says it's been hacked

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📚 Frippin' heck: Watch out, chin-stroking prog rock fans. King Crimson distributor Burning Shed says it's been hacked

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Crims slope off with a slice of dabatase including emails and encrypted passwords but no credit card deets

Independent record label Burning Shed has informed musos of a digital burglary involving the partial theft of its customer database, though no payment records were accessed.…


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📌 Apple TV+ renews iconic Emmy Award-winning series ‘Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock’ for season two

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📌 3 hacking forums have been hacked and database have been leaked online

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