
📰 Sophos XG firewalls hacked, hotfix ready. Texts wreck Apple iThings. Yup, business as usual in infosec world

Nachrichtenbereich: 📰 IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle: go.theregister.co.uk

Plus Office 2016, 2019 patches – and a barn-load of other security bits and bytes

Roundup  It's time to dig in to another Register security roundup.…


🎥 Firewalls Tutorial #3 - Next Generation Firewalls, Stateful Firewalls, Packet-Filtering Firewalls

📈 50.72 Punkte
🎥 IT Security Video

🔧 yup.ref is not working inside the yup.date().min

📈 45.65 Punkte
🔧 Programmierung

📰 Week in review: Apache Struts vulnerability exploit attempt, EOL Sophos firewalls get hotfix

📈 37.45 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 Hotfix rüstet Firewalls und Router von Sophos gegen Attacken

📈 37.45 Punkte
📰 IT Nachrichten

📰 Hotfix rüstet Firewalls und Router von Sophos gegen Attacken

📈 37.45 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 New Active Adversary Defense capabilities with Sophos Firewall, Sophos XDR, and Sophos NDR

📈 32.71 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 Apple patches all the iThings, including an iOS 15 hole under attack right now

📈 32.32 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 Business as Usual? Proposals for the Annual Meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group

📈 30.59 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 China 'hacked' South Korea to wreck Star Wars missile shield

📈 30.4 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 Microsoft China staff can't log on with an Android, so Redmond buys them iThings

📈 30.3 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 Have MAC, will hack: iThings have trivial-to-exploit WiFi bug

📈 30.3 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 As of today, iThings are even harder for police to probe

📈 30.3 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 GeForce 456.98 Hotfix: Hotfix-Treiber behebt Abstürze mit Ampere [Notiz]

📈 27.74 Punkte
📰 IT Nachrichten

📰 Business as usual statt Innovationen: Ist Apple der langweiligste Smartphone-Hersteller der Welt?

📈 26.96 Punkte
📰 IT Nachrichten

📰 Multiple Firewalls, and the Difference Between Router and Computer Firewalls?

📈 25.36 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

🎥 Firewalls Tutorial #1 - Was sollen Firewalls tun

📈 25.36 Punkte
🎥 IT Security Video

🍏 If China invades Taiwan, TSMC can wreck Apple's chip production line remotely

📈 25.11 Punkte
🍏 iOS / Mac OS

📰 Apple wants you to try to wreck your iPhone 12

📈 25.11 Punkte
📰 IT Nachrichten

📰 Business as un-usual

📈 24.94 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 Smart visitor management will help you move a step closer to ‘business as usual’

📈 24.94 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

⚠️ VB2020 update - currently business as usual

📈 24.94 Punkte
⚠️ Malware / Trojaner / Viren

📰 An Emergency or Business as Usual? Huawei and Trump’s Emergency Powers

📈 24.94 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 An Emergency or Business as Usual? Huawei and Trump’s Emergency Powers

📈 24.94 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

📰 FSLogix ist jetzt Teil von Microsoft, weiterhin „Business as usual“

📈 24.94 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

🎥 re:publica 2024: Visionen für die Agrarwende oder Business as Usual?

📈 24.94 Punkte
🎥 Video | Youtube

📰 Did you know? Monday was Data Privacy Day. Now it's Tuesday. Back to business as usual!

📈 24.94 Punkte
📰 IT Security Nachrichten

🔧 MariaDB plc – looking forward to business as usual

📈 24.94 Punkte
🔧 Programmierung

📰 RFID-Chips bei Festivals – Business as usual?

📈 24.94 Punkte
📰 IT Nachrichten
