Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator 📌 Chakra GNU/Linux Users Can Now Install KDE Plasma 5.8.5 & KDE Applications 16.12

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📚 Chakra GNU/Linux Users Can Now Install KDE Plasma 5.8.5 & KDE Applications 16.12

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

It looks like 2017 is a good year for users of the Chakra GNU/Linux distribution, a desktop-oriented computer operating system originally based on the popular Arch Linux OS, as they can now install the latest KDE software releases. That's right, the KDE Plasma 5.8.5 LTS desktop environment and KDE Applications 16.12 software suite have hit the stable repositories of the GNU/Linux distribution, along with various other Qt/KDE technologies like Qt 5.7.1, Qt Creator 4.2.0, and KDE Development Platform (also known as kdelibs) 4.14.27. While KDE Plasma 5.8.5 LTS is a maintenance update bringing us December 2016's bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements, KDE Applications 16.12... ...
