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📚 India’s Largest Bank Discontinues Windows Phone 8.0 App

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Unfortunately, Windows phone fans have more or less become used to news of developers leaving the platform for Android and iOS, and Microsoft itself seems to be less keen on stopping this from happening. State Bank of India recently announced that it’s discontinuing the app designed for Windows Phone 8.0, but although this could at first glance be terrible news for its customers sticking with Microsoft’s mobile platform, it’s not all bad as it seems. According to a notification displayed by the company on devices already running the app, “support for SB Anywhere will be discontinued soon on Windows phones version 8.0 and for security reason on Android versions below 4.2. Regret inconvenience.” Specifically, what State Bank of India plans to do is discontinue its app developed to run on devices powered by Windows Phone 8.0, so it should continue working flawlessly on Windows Phone 8.1 and on Windows 10 Mobile. On the other hand, there’s no word on a potential unive... ...
