🐧 GRE Tunnel - For DDoS Protection
Nachrichtenbereich: 🐧 Linux Tipps
🔗 Quelle: reddit.com
I need some kind of help. I need to do GRE Tunnel for my Windows Server to protect my Game Server.
I tried to follow many tutorials but they are outdated and don't work anymore.
So I will explain here what I need to do: (Example)
Windows Server IP: 111.111.111 OVH VPS IP: 222.222.222
So I need my Windows Server to send this information to VPS:
- 111.111.111:2302
- 111.111.111:2402
- 111.111.111:2312
- 111.111.111:27016
(This done on Windows Firewall right?)
After I need my OVH VPS to send the same information to my Windows Server:
- 222.222.222:2302 UDP-TCP
- 222.222.222:2312 UDP-TCP
- 222.222.222:2402 UDP-TCP
- 222.222.222:2716 UDP-TCP
This is for a Game Server
I really need help on which commands I need to run because I'm super lost.
What I tried to follow but didn't work: https://wiki.buyvm.net/doku.php/gre_tunnel
I'm sorry if this is not the correct place.
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