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📚 Windows 7 Drops Below 40 Percent Market Share for the First Time

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Microsoft hasn’t provided us with updated figures on Windows 10 adoption, but a new set of market share figures from StatCounter show that Redmond’s new operating system continued its growth in August, and what’s more, it substantially impacted Windows 7’s market share. For example, Windows 7 is currently at 39.93 percent, and this marks the first time when the operating system launched in 2009 dropped below the 40 percent share since its debut 7 years ago. Windows 7 has long been the top desktop operating system around the world, but Windows 10 is getting closer to taking over the leading spot and could even do this by the end of the year. Windows 10 is already the runner-up, and the August 2016 market share figures put it at 24.43 percent, well ahead its predecessor and Mac OS X. The third desktop platform in the charts is Apple’s OS X (soon to be macOS), which holds a share of 9.87 percent, while Windows 8.1 is next with 8.36 percent. Windows XP has dropped to... ...
