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📚 Huawei Watch 2 With Cellular Connectivity Reportedly Coming Next Month

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Huawei announced its own smartwatch during MWC 2015 in Barcelona and made the Huawei Watch available to purchase later in the year for the price of $349.99 (€320) for the cheapest model and $799 (€730) for the variant with gold-plated stainless steel casing. Now, a report from Venture Beat states that the second generation Huawei Watch would arrive next month, possibly during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, but nothing is set in stone. MWC 2017 is set to debut on February 27 and end on March 2. Huawei Watch 2 could feature a ‘sportier’ look than the original model, which means that it might be slimmer than 11.3mm. Huawei didn’t only change the design of the Huawei Watch, it reportedly added built-in cellular data features. Huawei Watch 2 might come with cellular connectivity One variant of the Huawei Watch 2 might incorporate a SIM-card, wh... ...
