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📚 Pixel and Pixel XL Successors Will Likely Be Waterproof

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Google’s Pixel and Pixel XL have been quite popular on the smartphone market, especially because of their very powerful rear cameras. Google says the two devices have the best rear cameras found on any smartphone on the market. While camera performance is definitely important on a premium phone, other features must also be taken into account. Waterproofing is one of the factors that may have put off many from buying the Pixel and Pixel XL. Some premium smartphones on the market come with IP67 or even IP68 protection against water splashes and dust, making sure that the device isn’t affected when submerged into water, either accidentally or on purpose. No waterproof in favor of high performance camera Last year, Google reps said that upon designing the phone, the company did intend to include w... ...
