Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator 📌 MythTV 0.28.1 Open-Source DVR Released with Over 130 Improvements and Bug Fixes

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📚 MythTV 0.28.1 Open-Source DVR Released with Over 130 Improvements and Bug Fixes

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

The major MythTV 0.28 release of the open-source digital video recorder project received today its first point release after almost 10 months since its initial launch. MythTV's goal has always been to be the free and open source home entertainment application for GNU/Linux users who want to turn their computers into a home theater PC (HTPC) or media center PC. The software offers a simplified "10-foot user interface" design for your living-room TV, and comes with many attractive features. MythTV 0.28 is the latest stable series of the applications, officially announced on April 11, 2016. It shipped with VBox TV Gateway support, MythZoneMinder pop-up notifications on alarms, support for both VP9 and H.265 (HEVC) codecs, support for the FFmpeg 3.0 multimedia framework series, and a major UPnP overhaul. As mentioned before, MythTV 0.28.1 is the first maintenance update to MythTV 0.28, and, according to the ... ...
