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📚 Beyonce Breaks Instagram Record for Most Liked Photo With Pregnancy Announcement

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Beyonce has gone and shattered yet another record, although this time it’s on Instagram. Following her post in which she announces being pregnant with twins, fans hurried to give their best and to like the photo, helping to make it the most liked picture in the history of the service. At the time of writing, 13 hours after it has been posted, there are 7.2 million likes on the photo and over 364,000 comments. With such a feat, it was quick to claim the title of the most liked image on Instagram. The Guinness World Record is apparently in the process of updating its page dedicated to this particular record since it generates an error when clicking it. They did acknowledge the feat in a tweet reading “With 6.6 million+ likes @Beyonce has broken the record for Most liked image on #Instagram after announcing she and Jay-Z are expecting twins,” ...
