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📚 Week in review: vBulletin 0-day, open source projects under attack, critical security updates galore

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Intel, SAP, and Citrix release critical security updates August 2020 Patch Tuesday was expectedly observed by Microsoft and Adobe, but many other software firms decided to push out security updates as well. Apple released iCloud for Windows updates and Google pushed out fixes to Chrome. They were followed by Intel, SAP and Citrix. Critical ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus RCE flaw patched A critical … More

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📌 Open source projects under attack, with enterprises as the ultimate targets

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📌 EvilNet - Network Attack Wifi Attack Vlan Attack Arp Attack Mac Attack Attack Revealed Etc...

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📌 This week in KDE: bugfixes and UI improvements galore

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📌 A Light Week, InfoSec Tabletop Gaming, White House CyberSec, & AI Galore! - ESW #308

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📌 This week in KDE: New features galore!

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📌 This week in KDE: performance improvements galore

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📌 Open Source is More Secure than Closed Source because Closed Source is More Secure than Open Source

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📌 The Ultimate beginners guide to open source – part 2: ways to find open source projects to contribute to

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📌 Bring DevOps to Your Open Source Projects: Top 3 Tips for Maintainers | The Open Source Show

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📌 Bring DevOps to Your Open Source Projects: Top 3 Tips for Maintainers | The Open Source Show

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📌 Medium CVE-2019-16759: Vbulletin Vbulletin

📈 28.12 Punkte

📌 Low CVE-2020-25120: Vbulletin Vbulletin

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📌 Low CVE-2020-25121: Vbulletin Vbulletin

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📌 Low CVE-2020-25122: Vbulletin Vbulletin

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📌 Low CVE-2020-25116: Vbulletin Vbulletin

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📌 Low CVE-2020-25115: Vbulletin Vbulletin

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📌 Low CVE-2020-25123: Vbulletin Vbulletin

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📌 Low CVE-2020-25119: Vbulletin Vbulletin

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📌 Low CVE-2020-25117: Vbulletin Vbulletin

📈 28.12 Punkte

📌 Low CVE-2020-25124: Vbulletin Vbulletin

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📌 Low CVE-2020-25118: Vbulletin Vbulletin

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📌 The open source projects Grafana Phlare and Pyroscope will be merged under the name Grafana Pyroscope.

📈 27.28 Punkte

📌 Week in review: Zoom security, Marriott breach, MS SQL servers under attack

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📌 Week in review: API security basics, the future of infosec conferences, Sophos firewalls under attack

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📌 Week in review: Python backdoor attacks, Windows zero-days under attack, crowdsourced pentesting

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📌 Week in review: Automated pentesting, Oracle WebLogic servers under attack

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📌 Week in review: Kali Linux 2021.1, CNAME-based tracking, VMware vCenter Servers under attack

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📌 Week in review: Exchange Servers under attack, disinformation economics, Patch Tuesday forecast

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📌 Week in review: SAP apps under attack, Zero Trust creator talks, Patch Tuesday forecast

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