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📚 The Document Foundation: Munich Returning to Windows and Office a Step Backwards

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

The City of Munich, which has long been considered a pioneer of the transition from Windows to Linux, is now exploring ways to return to Microsoft’s solutions, with a proposal to move all computers to Windows 10 and Microsoft Office to be discussed today. The Document Foundation, which is also the maker of LibreOffice, the productivity suite that’s being used on Munich’s computers powered by LiMux, says in a statement that returning to Windows and Microsoft Office is a step backwards for the city because of a number of factors that include Microsoft’s proprietary formats. In a statement released today, The Document Foundation explains that the proposal that’s being discussed today by Munich authorities actually ignores the main reason the city abandoned Microsoft software in the first place: “independence from a single software vendor and the mov... ...
