
✅ The President and Immigration Law Series: Presidential Power, Migration Management, and Foreign Affairs

💡 Newskategorie: 📰 IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle: justsecurity.org

Next in our series on The President and Immigration Law, former CBP commissioner and Assistant Secretary of DHS Alan Bersin argues that borders – traditionally viewed as lines in the sand demarcating the edges of sovereign states – must be radically reimagined as interdependent networks among nations. The president, empowered to lead on foreign affairs, should assume the primary role in managing the modern U.S. border and in the articulation of supranational principles to guide the regulation of immigration.

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✅ The President and Immigration Law Series: Presidential Power, Migration Management, and Foreign Affairs

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✅ The President and Immigration Law: The Danger and Promise of Presidential Power

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✅ The President and Immigration Law Series: The Urgent Need to Shrink Immigration Detention

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✅ The President and Immigration Law Series: Reflections on the Future of American Immigration Policy

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✅ The President and Immigration Law: Restoring Faith in Our Immigration System Through Enforcement Discretion and Reform

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✅ The President and Immigration Law Series: Executive Power Beyond Enforcement

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✅ The President and Immigration Law: Introduction to a Just Security Series

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✅ The President and Immigration Law Series: The Consequences of the Free Rein of Enforcement on Borderlands Society

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✅ Immigration Attorneys: Industry Pushes Foreign Labor, Claiming 'US Students Can't Hack It In Tech'

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✅ US Immigration asking foreign travelers for their social media account details

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