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📚 Get 40% off this stylish dual wireless charger today

💡 Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

If you want to take advantage of wireless charging with multiple devices, the LOGiiX Wireless Qi Canvas Duo could make your life easier. This dual-device charger is stylish, powerful, and now 40% off MSRP at $59.99. As the owner of Bluetooth earbuds, a modern smartphone, and a smartwatch, you can easily find that your nightstand is filled with charging pads. Likewise, couples have to take it in turns to enjoy wireless charging. With two 10W charging coils, the LOGiiX Wireless Qi Canvas Duo solves this problem for good. Optimized for the latest devices, this charger can fill any Qi-compatible smartphone at top speed. This includes the Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+, Note 10/Note 10+, and iPhone 11/Pro/Max. This ultra-thin charger has space for two devices side by side, with a non-slip base to prevent accidents. Embedded in the stylish canvas top surface, LED lights show the charging status of each device. It's normally priced at $99, but you can pick up this dual Qi charger today for just... ...
