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📚 Showerthought: As Linux gets more popular, we can expect the questions and help requests about it to get stupider.

💡 Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

Harsh title, I know, so let me equivocate elaborate. Linux popularity is GOOD, and I'm glad it's increasing. Distros that emphasize UI/UX and ease of use are winning Windows and Mac users over, and that's fantastic for everyone!

BUT, it's gonna come with an eventual downside, as the popularity of Python has shown over in r/Python, where 90% of the posts are lazy questions from beginners, or wannabe beginners, another 8% are "Look at my Hello World Bot", 1% are "What IDE should I use to do ML/AI and should I learn Python first", and only the final 1% are of any interest whatsoever to Python pros, for whom the sub is presumably intended.

Doesn't mean I don't think everyone should learn Python! I do! Learn it and teach your kids!

Same with Linux. Absolutely I want EVERYONE to switch, and embrace FOSS. No gatekeeping here...

BUT, showerthought, the more popular it gets, the stupider the questions we're gonna have to answer.

submitted by /u/jedwards8th
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