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📚 [webapps] WordPress Plugin Custom Global Variables 1.0.5 - 'name' Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

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WordPress Plugin Custom Global Variables 1.0.5 - 'name' Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) ...

📌 [webapps] - WordPress WP Live Chat Support Plugin 6.2.03 - Stored XSS

📈 29.45 Punkte

📌 [webapps] - WordPress WP Live Chat Support Plugin 6.2.03 - Stored XSS

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📌 [webapps] WordPress Plugin Stripe Payments 2.0.39 - 'AcceptStripePayments-settings[currency_code]' Stored XSS

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📌 [webapps] WordPress Plugin WP-Paginate 2.1.3 - 'preset' Stored XSS

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📌 [webapps] Wordpress Sonaar Music Plugin 4.7 - Stored XSS

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📌 #0daytoday #Wordpress Sonaar Music Plugin 4.7 - Stored XSS Vulnerability [webapps #exploits #Vulnerability #0day #Exploit]

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📌 [webapps] Neontext Wordpress Plugin - Stored XSS

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📌 [webapps] WordPress File Upload Plugin < 4.23.3 - Stored XSS

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📌 Refactoring instance variables to local variables in Rails controllers

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📌 CVE-2022-2642 | Horner Automation RCC 972 15.40 Global Variable excessive reliance on global variables (icsa-22-335-02)

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📌 XSS-LOADER - XSS Payload Generator / XSS Scanner / XSS Dork Finder

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📌 WordPress Absolutely Glamorous Custom Admin ag-custom-admin Plugin Database Backup Arbitrary File Download Vulnerability

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📌 [webapps] GetSimple CMS My SMTP Contact Plugin 1.1.2 - CSRF to Stored XSS to RCE

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📌 [webapps] GetSimple CMS Custom JS Plugin 0.1 - CSRF to Persistent XSS

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📌 [webapps] - WordPress Creative Multi-Purpose Theme 9.1.3 - Stored XSS

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📌 [webapps] - WordPress Creative Multi-Purpose Theme 9.1.3 - Stored XSS

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📌 WordPress FancyProductDesigner Plugin 3.4.2 Stored XSS

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📌 Bookly #1 WordPress Booking Plugin (Lite) <= 13.2 – Unauthenticated Blind Stored XSS

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📌 #0daytoday #WordPress WP-Paginate 2.1.3 Plugin - (preset) Stored XSS Vulnerability [#0day #Exploit]

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📌 #0daytoday #WordPress Testimonial Slider and Showcase 2.2.6 Plugin - Stored XSS Vulnerability [#0day #Exploit]

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📌 #0daytoday #WordPress Netroics Blog Posts Grid 1.0 Plugin - Stored XSS Vulnerability [#0day #Exploit]

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📌 WordPress: Stored XSS on Wordpress 5.3 via Title Post

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📌 WP Custom Body Class <= 0.7.0 - CSRF to Stored XSS and Settings Update

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📌 #0daytoday #GetSimple CMS Custom JS 0.1 - CSRF to Stored XSS to Remote Code Execution Exploit [#0day #Exploit]

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📌 Custom Properties vs. CSS Variables: Understanding the Differences and When to Use Each

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📌 Exploring Variables in CSS (custom properties)

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📌 [20190204] - Core - Stored XSS issue in the Global Configuration help url #2

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📌 [CVE-2019-6262] Stored XSS issue in the Global Configuration help url - 2

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📌 [CVE-2019-7741] Stored XSS issue in the Global Configuration help url - 3

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📌 [CVE-2019-6263] Stored XSS issue in the Global Configuration textfilter settings

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📌 [CVE-2019-6262] Stored XSS issue in the Global Configuration help url

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📌 Looking into XSS: a stored XSS attack walkthrough - Roundcube Webmail

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📌 Static Global Variables in C++

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