
📰 One-Third of Tech Workers Admit To Working Only 3 To 4 Hours a Day, Report Finds

Nachrichtenbereich: 📰 IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle: tech.slashdot.org

According to a survey by Blind, 31% of professionals from 42 tech companies said they're only putting in between three and four hours a day. Fast Company reports: Additionally, the survey found, 27% of tech professionals said they work five to six hours a day, and 11% reported only working one to two hours per day. In contrast, 30% said they work between seven and 10 hours per day. The survey did not ask the workers to self-report productivity, which we know is very different for everyone. Although the responses within the companies surveyed were anecdotal, one Amazon employee commented, "Amazon requires at least 10 hours a day, with exceptions and maybe less work on Fridays or more work on weekends. I'm working way more during COVID-19, calendar's full back to back, leadership is asking for more." Meanwhile, a professional at Facebook reported, "If meetings count then 9-10. If they do not... [less than] 1," bearing out the fact that the pandemic has not impacted everyone equally.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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