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📚 Unpatched WordPress Plugin Code-Injection Bug Afflicts 50K Sites

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

An CRSF-to-stored-XSS security bug plagues 50,000 'Contact Form 7' Style users. ...

📌 Critical WordPress Plugin Bug Afflicts 700K Sites

📈 50.9 Punkte

📌 50K WordPress sites exposed to RCE attacks by critical bug in backup plugin

📈 43.03 Punkte

📌 Hackers exploit bug in WordPress gift card plugin with 50K installs

📈 34.64 Punkte

📌 Nighttime Power Cycling Bug Afflicts iPhones and iPads

📈 33.4 Punkte

📌 Unpatched Bug Under Active Attack Threatens WordPress Sites with XSS

📈 29.51 Punkte

📌 Unpatched Flaw in Discontinued Plugin Exposes WordPress Sites to Attacks

📈 29.19 Punkte

📌 Lack of Security Talent Afflicts Healthcare

📈 28.37 Punkte

📌 Encryption chip flaw afflicts huge number of computers

📈 28.37 Punkte

📌 Critical Intel Flaw Afflicts Several Motherboards, Server Systems, Compute Modules

📈 28.37 Punkte

📌 Google Chrome Zero-Day Afflicts Windows, Mac Users

📈 28.37 Punkte

📌 Hackers Exploit Unpatched Bug in Rich Reviews WordPress Plugin

📈 25.83 Punkte

📌 Hackers Exploit Unpatched Bug In Rich Reviews WordPress Plugin – PerimeterX Comments

📈 25.83 Punkte

📌 A botnet of over 20,000 WordPress sites is attacking other WordPress sites

📈 25.58 Punkte

📌 Infected WordPress Sites Are Attacking Other WordPress Sites

📈 25.58 Punkte

📌 Botnet of 20,000 WordPress Sites Infecting Other WordPress Sites

📈 25.58 Punkte

📌 Botnet of 20,000 WordPress Sites Infecting Other WordPress Sites

📈 25.58 Punkte

📌 Sony launches PlayStation bug bounty program with rewards of $50K+

📈 25.53 Punkte

📌 Sony launches PlayStation bug bounty program with $50K+ rewards

📈 25.53 Punkte

📌 ‘Highly critical’ bug exposes unpatched Drupal sites to attacks

📈 25.11 Punkte

📌 Thousands of Unpatched WordPress Sites Hacked via Exposed Vulnerability

📈 24.48 Punkte

📌 Attackers Capitalizing on Unpatched WordPress Sites

📈 24.48 Punkte

📌 1.5M Unpatched WordPress Sites Hacked Following Vulnerability Disclosure

📈 24.48 Punkte

📌 Criminals Monetizing Attacks Against Unpatched WordPress Sites

📈 24.48 Punkte

📌 Something Nasty Injected Login Stealing JavaScript Code Into 50k Online Banking Sessions

📈 24.04 Punkte

📌 Unpatched routers bad, doubly unpatched routers worse – much, much worse!

📈 23.37 Punkte

📌 200K WordPress Sites Exposed to Takeoker Attacks by Plugin Bug

📈 22.53 Punkte

📌 200K WordPress Sites Exposed to Takeoker Attacks by Plugin Bug

📈 22.53 Punkte

📌 WordPress Plugin Fixes Bug Allowing Download of 100K+ Sites’ Subscriber Lists

📈 22.53 Punkte

📌 Comment: WordPress Plugin Bug Exposes 200K+ Sites

📈 22.53 Punkte

📌 Bug in WordPress plugin can let hackers wipe up to 200,000 sites

📈 22.53 Punkte

📌 Critical Bug in WordPress Theme Plugin Opens 200,000 Sites to Hackers

📈 22.53 Punkte

📌 Bug In WordPress Plugin Can Let Hackers Wipe Up To 200,000 Sites

📈 22.53 Punkte

📌 Critical WordPress plugin bug lets hackers take over 1M sites

📈 22.53 Punkte

📌 Facebook plugin bug lets hackers hijack WordPress sites’ chat

📈 22.53 Punkte

📌 Millions of WordPress sites are being probed & attacked with recent plugin bug

📈 22.53 Punkte
