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๐Ÿ“š SNOWCRASH - A Polyglot Payload Generator

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

SNOWCRASH creates a script that can be launched on both Linux and Windows machines. Payload selected by the user (in this case combined Bash and Powershell code) is embedded into a single polyglot template, which is platform-agnostic.

There are few payloads available, including command execution, reverse shell establishment, binary execution and some more :>

Basic usage
  1. Install dependencies: ./

  2. List available payloads: ./snowcrash --list

  3. Generate chosen payload: ./snowcrash --payload memexec --out polyglot_script

  4. Change extension of the polyglot script: mv polyglot_script polyglot_script.ps1

  5. Execute polyglot script on the target machine

Additional notes

Delay before script run and payload execution can be specified as an interval (using --sleep flag) in the form:



x = Amount of interval to spend in idle state
s = Seconds
m = Sinutes
h = Hours

After generation, the extension of generated script containing the payload can be set either to .sh or .ps1 (depending on the platform we want to target).

Generated payload can be written directly to STDOUT (instead of writing to a file) using --stdout flag.



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