📰 NBlog Aug 27 - creative teamwork post-lockdown
Nachrichtenbereich: 📰 IT Security Nachrichten
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A couple of days ago I blogged about MURAL, just one of many creative tools supporting collaborative working. If you missed it, please catch up and contemplate about how you might use tools such as that right now for teamworking during the COVID19 lockdowns.
- Ever-increasing automation of manufacturing, with smart devices and robotics supplementing the capabilities of both manual and knowledge workers;
- Industrial IoT, coupling sensors and actuators on the production line with each other, allowing workers to interact with the machinery through screens and keyboards etc. and a growing layer of automation smarts and networking;
- Ever-increasing reliance on IT, data, analytics, systems and artificial intelligence (with implications for risk, resilience, reliability and security);
- New capabilities, particularly in the specification and design areas - such as virtual reality simulations and rapid prototyping of jigs, machines and products by "additive manufacturing" (industrial 3D printers);
- An increasing focus on adding value through knowledge work in research and development plus product service/support, de-emphasising the manufacturing production core activities (which, I guess, started with the off-shoring of manufacturing to low-wage economies, and is now leading to both on- and off-shore automated manufacturing);
- Rapid innovation and change, leading to difficulties in strategic corporate planning (with credible planning horizons falling to just a couple of years!) and personal career planning (e.g. how can workers learn to use tools and techniques that either aren't refined enough to be taught, perhaps not even invented yet?);
- Shortages of people with the requisite skills, knowledge and adaptability, able to thrive despite the challenges and seize opportunities as they arise.
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