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📚 Microsoft Whiteboard to gain new experience and Fluid component support

💡 Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

Microsoft's Whiteboard should make it easier for teams to work together, thanks to a new experience and support for Fluid components. What you need to know Microsoft will soon release a new Whiteboard experience that focuses on collaboration. The new Whiteboard experience will roll out this summer. You'll also be able to use the new Whiteboard experience on Surface Hub starting this fall. Microsoft announced several new features aimed at hybrid working today. This summer, Microsoft's Whiteboard will receive a new experience that makes it easier to collaborate. As part of the new experience, Whiteboard will have new templates that should help people get started faster and to work together more efficiently. The new Whiteboard experience includes new cursors that help identify participants, the ability to use reactions, and a laser pointer. Microsoft is also improving the Whiteboard experience for people using a mouse and keyboard rather than a stylus. Additionally, Whiteboard ... ...
