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📚 Minecraft has suddenly become an adult-only game in South Korea

💡 Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

Overnight, Minecraft has apparently been restricted to adults 19 and over in South Korea. What you need to know Minecraft is the most popular game in the world, and caters to a wide variety of gamers across all ages and groups. In South Korea, however, Minecraft has suddenly become an adult-only to many users, thanks to a long-standing local law and Microsoft Account migration. Microsoft's Xbox Live accounts have restricted online play to adults 19 and older since the controversial "Cinderella law" was passed. Now, the migration from Mojang Accounts to Microsoft Accounts is preventing many children from accessing their favorite game. Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world by a wide margin, and is played by hundreds of millions of people every month. In South Korea, Minecraft continues to be a beloved game by plenty of people, but things are getting a little difficult for South Korean children that want to play Minecraft. Microsoft is moving forward with their pl... ...

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