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๐Ÿ“š Surgeon Simulator 2 is crashing onto Xbox later this year

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Fail spectacularly at being a surgeon with up to three of your favorite people. What you need to know Surgeon Simulator 2 is a goofy simulator-adjacent game that lets up to four players perform highly inaccurate surgeries. The game seems to be loved by fans, but so far has been exclusive to the Epic Games Store on PC. Today, Bossa Studios has announced that Surgeon Simulator 2 is officially heading to Steam and the Microsoft Store on Sept. 2, 2021. Surgeon Simulator 2 will be Xbox Series X|S Optimized at 4K and 60 FPS, and will also be available on Xbox One with Smart Delivery. Few games so completely dominated the early era of gaming-centric YouTube as Surgeon Simulator, an incredibly silly game that let players perform less-than-accurate surgery on helpless patients. Filled with endless laughs, it was a great surprise to see Surgeon Simulator get a full-blown sequel with Surgeon Simulator 2: Access All Areas, which was released as an Epic Games Store exclusive. Today, Bossa St... ...

๐Ÿ“Œ Surgeon Simulator 2 is crashing onto Xbox later this year

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