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๐Ÿ“š Halo Infinite beta: List of all maps and modes in multiplayer test

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Get briefed on the maps and modes you'll be trying ahead of launch. Halo Infinite is set to launch at some point in Holiday 2021 and the developers at 343 Industries are conducting extensive testing to make sure the game lands as smoothly as possible. As such, the Halo Infinite beta signups are taking the form of a series of Technical Previews. Players who sign up for the Halo Insider program can be invited and take part in various "Flights." While not everything will be available to test from the very beginning, we do know what maps and modes players will get to try out starting with the very first flight. Here's a list of all maps and modes in the upcoming multiplayer test. List of all maps in Halo Infinite multiplayer test For the first technical preview running July 29 through August 1, players will get to test three maps: Bazaar, Live Fire and Recharge. Bazaar The East African Protectorate's plan to rebuild the glassed urban core of Mombasa was ambitious and expensive, b... ...

๐Ÿ“Œ Halo Infinite beta: List of all maps and modes in multiplayer test

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