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📚 A couple of 10-Year-Old flaws affect Avast and AVG antivirus

💡 Newskategorie: Hacking
🔗 Quelle:

Researcher discovered a couple of high-severity security flaws that affect a driver used by Avast and AVG antivirus solutions. SentinelOne researcher Kasif Dekel discovered two high-severity security vulnerabilities, tracked as CVE-2022-26522 and CVE-2022-26523, that affect a driver used by Avast and AVG antivirus solutions. The bugs reside in the anti-rootkit kernel driver named aswArPot.sys which […]

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📌 Antivirus firm Avast to Buy its rival AVG for $1.3 Billion

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📌 Antivirus: Avast kauft Konkurrent AVG

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📌 AVG- und Avast-Antivirus: Microsoft blockiert Windows 10 1909-Updates

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📌 AVG- und Avast-Antivirus: Microsoft blockiert Windows 10 1909-Updates

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📌 Avast and AVG Firefox Extensions Pulled from Mozilla Addons Site

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📌 Mozilla removes Avast and AVG extensions from add-on portal over snooping claims

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📌 Mozilla Removes Avast and AVG Extensions From Add-on Portal Over Snooping Claims

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📌 Mozilla removed 4 Avast and AVG extensions for spying on Firefox users

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📌 Avast and AVG Firefox Extensions Added Back to Mozilla Addons Site

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