
📰 Deploying Twingate to GKE

Nachrichtenbereich: 📰 IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle: twingate.com

Please note, this guide includes creating resources which will bring additional cost to your GCP subscription.

This guide assumes you have already deployed a private GKE cluster. For more information on setting this up please visit the official Google Cloud Documentation.

Setting up the Twingate subnet

The following command will create the network for the Twingate connector container. For the purpose of this guide I have deployed the connector in the same VPC network as the GKE cluster but within a management subnet.

Note you will need to replace project, range, network and region with those relevent to your environment. For the purpose of this guide I have named the new subnet “management”.

gcloud compute networks subnets create management --project=twingate-347715 --range= --network=gke-private-demo --region=europe-north1 --enable-private-ip-google-access

After a few moments the management subnet should have been created:

management  europe-north1  gke-private-demo  IPV4_ONLY

To enable the creation of the container and communicate with Twingate services, your management subnet will need access to the internet. How you do this may vary but for the purpose of this guide I have deployed a Cloud NAT gateway for the management subnet to use.

Once the networking is in place, we can deploy the connector into this new management subnet.

Deploying the connector

Back on the Twingate admin portal, within the new network, click “deploy connector” on an existing connector:

deploy connector

You can then click the generate tokens button, and copy the two values given:

generate tokens

Make a note of these values as we will need them to create the container instance.

Creating the container instance

We will be deploying our container using Google Cloud Compute. This can be done either by following the Twingate guide or adapting the gcloud command below.

Remember to replace the values below with your own, most noteably the TENANT_URL, ACCESS_TOKEN and REFRESH_TOKEN. It is recommended to name the container the same as the connector name in Twingate.

gcloud compute instances create-with-container black-wallaby --zone=europe-north1-a --machine-type=e2-small --network-interface=subnet=management,no-address --image=projects/cos-cloud/global/images/cos-stable-97-16919-29-16 --boot-disk-size=10GB --boot-disk-type=pd-balanced --boot-disk-device-name=tactful-lobster --container-image=twingate/connector:1 --container-restart-policy=always --container-env=TENANT_URL=https://mynet.twingate.com,ACCESS_TOKEN=123456ABCB,REFRESH_TOKEN=1239876YGTH

Once the container is running you should see your connection status updated:

connection status

Setting up the Twingate resource

Now the connector is established and communicating with Twingate. We can use this to connect to the Kubernetes private endpoint.

You can view the IP address of the private endpoint via the cluster information page in the GCP web console:

cluster private ip

Once we have this endpoint we can add this as a resource to Twingate:

add twingate resource

Once this has been added you should see the resource turn green, showing the connector can communicate with it:

resource status

Testing your connection

First let’s check we can’t get to the cluster at the moment. Ensure your Twingate client is closed and any other VPN or private route you may be using is disabled. If you don’t have the cluster config already, you can run the following command to add the cluster config to your local KUBECONFIG file:

Again these values are based on the ones used in this guide and may vary depending on your setup.

gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME

Now test the connection:

kubectl get nodes
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connect: network is unreachable

Now open your Twingate client. You should also see that there is an additional authentication required, more information on this can be found in the Twingate documentation.

additional authentication

Follow through the authentication steps then run the same command to test the connection:

kubectl get nodes

You should now get a response from the Kubernetes API:

NAME                                     STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
gke-gketest-default-pool-2bd94f93-7hl1   Ready    <none>   118m   v1.21.10-gke.2000

If you have trouble connecting, make sure your management network which contains your Twingate connector is allowed access to the control plane:

control plane access

You now have secure access to your private Kubernetes API.


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