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📚 Lessons from a dual career: Happiest Mind’s CISO Vijay Bharati

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Vijay Bharati, CISO and senior vice president of cybersecurity practice at Happiest Minds Technologies, ranks among the few enterprise cybersecurity practitioners who handle both the overall cybersecurity business and internal security for the company.

Bharati has more than 22 years of experience across multiple domains such as identity and access management, data security, cloud security, and infrastructure security under his belt. Over the years, he has established trust and credibility with both external and internal stakeholders. In conversation with CSO India, Bharati talks about his experience working both internally and externally, how organisations can build cybersecurity ground up to minimize risks, and how India can bridge the security skills gap.

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