
📰 Google Meet Meets Duo Meet, With Meet in Duo But Duo Isn't Going Into Meet

Nachrichtenbereich: 📰 IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle: tech.slashdot.org

In June, Google announced that it's bringing the features of Meet into the Duo app -- and that transformation begins today. Google isn't technically getting rid of either app; Duo's getting rebranded as Meet with the features from both apps, and Meet's staying Meet. From a report: Yes, it sounds pretty confusing, but by the end of this process, there will be just two apps: "Meet Original" (the standard Meet app that will eventually get phased out) and the new Meet that combines both Meet and Duo. The combined app will let you conduct both group and one-on-one calls as well as hold meetings.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


📰 Google Meet Meets Duo Meet, With Meet in Duo But Duo Isn't Going Into Meet

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