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📚 Alfred 5.0.6 - Quick launcher for apps and more.

💡 Newskategorie: iOS / Mac OS
🔗 Quelle:

Alfred is an award-winning productivity application for OS X. Alfred saves you time when you search for files online or on your Mac. Be more productive with hotkeys, keywords, and file actions at your fingertips.

Loads of app-launching, file-searching goodness - free for you to download and use with no strings attached. Alfred is the ultimate productivity tool for your Mac. Get it and see for yourself.

  • Alfred Gallery Early Access
    • Browse Workflows on our new Workflow Gallery at
      • Almost 100 workflows already added, and hundreds more already in review to be added over the Early Access period
    • Install workflows directly into Alfred using the "Install in Alfred" button in the gallery
    • Keep Gallery workflows updated to their latest versions from directly within Alfred's Preferences
    • Manage Homebrew dependencies for Gallery workflows automatically using the new Resolve Dependencies feature
  • Overhauled the macOS Reindexing sheet and underlying framework
  • Add Voice Over accessibility to Contacts Viewer
  • Remove unused Show button from Alfred's macOS Notification
  • It's now possible to hide individual default actions from the default view in the Workflow Editor when no Workflow is selected
    • Right-click in the view and select the action you would like to hide
  • Improve AppleScript behaviour for updating and removing workflow configuration
    • Fixes bug where prefs.plist wouldn't be written under certain circumstances
  • Replace out some legacy Workflow icons with updated icons
  • Update Remote template icons to use updated Workflow icons
  • Strip kbd tags in markdown interpretation
  • Improve underlying view layout calculation of Workflow user configuration
  • Clear the icon cache for a Workflow when updating or reinstalling the workflow
  • Fix incorrectly caching Alfred theme when directly accessing feature views after a macOS dark mode toggle
  • Added option to ignore Universal Clipboard file lists in the clipboard history

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