
🔧 Typescript Generate Full Path Type And Get Value Type Of Nested Object

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Before TS 4.8, it is impossible to build path type for numeric literal path type for type like { A: { 123: boolean } }<-- we want something like A/123 but it is not possible

however generate path type for { A: Record<number, boolean> } is possible, that is A/${number}

With TS 4.8, Improved Inference for infer Types in Template String Types made numeric literal path possible

type DeepKey<
    K extends keyof T = keyof T
> = K extends string | number// handle numeric key
    ? T[K] extends infer R
        ? R extends Record<string, unknown>
            | `${K}`
            | `${K}/${DeepKey<R>}`
            : `${K}`
        : never // impossible route
    : never // impossible route

type DeepValue<
    P extends DeepKey<T>,
> = P extends `${infer K}/${infer Rest}`
    ? T[(K extends `${infer R extends number}` ? R : K) & keyof T] extends infer S
        ? Rest extends DeepKey<S>
            ? DeepValue<S, Rest>
            : never // impossible route
        : never // impossible route
    : T[(P extends `${infer R extends number}` ? R : P) & keyof T]

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🔧 Typescript Generate Full Path Type And Get Value Type Of Nested Object

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