
🐧 Do you prefer to use mutable linux distros or immutable linux distros, why is that?

Nachrichtenbereich: 🐧 Linux Tipps
🔗 Quelle: reddit.com

I prefer immutable distros because I don't have to worry about it breaking. The immutable distro that I use is fedora silverblue. I install my applications through flatpak instead of installing them in /usr/bin. I only install drivers and basic system tools such as distrobox through rpm-ostree. I install cli applications and other applications that aren't available as a flatpak through distrobox. For neofetch, I typed sudo cp /usr/bin/neofetch ~/.local/bin so there is a copy of neofetch in the .local folder so I can run neofetch on my host system without layering. I did the same thing for pfetch and fastfetch so I can run them on the host system without layering. Which one do you prefer?

submitted by /u/dnkmmr69420
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