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📚 Mutative - 10x faster than Immer

💡 Newskategorie: Programmierung
🔗 Quelle:

Mutative - A JavaScript library for efficient immutable updates, 10x faster than Immer by default, even faster than naive handcrafted reducer.



Writing immutable updates by hand is usually difficult, prone to errors and cumbersome. Immer helps us write simpler immutable updates with "mutative" logic.

But its performance issue causes a runtime performance overhead. Immer must have auto-freeze enabled by default(Performance will be worse if auto-freeze is disabled), such immutable state with Immer are not common. In scenarios such as cross-process, remote data transfer, etc., we have to constantly freeze these immutable data.

There are more parts that could be improved, such as better type inference, non-intrusive markup, support for more types of immutability, Safer immutability, and so on.

This is why Mutative was created.


Mutative vs Immer Performance

Measure(ops/sec) to update 50K arrays and 1K objects, bigger the better(view source).

Naive handcrafted reducer - No Freeze x 3,713 ops/sec ±0.86% (89 runs sampled)
Mutative - No Freeze x 5,323 ops/sec ±1.69% (93 runs sampled)
Immer - No Freeze x 8 ops/sec ±0.88% (23 runs sampled)

Mutative - Freeze x 875 ops/sec ±1.20% (95 runs sampled)
Immer - Freeze x 320 ops/sec ±0.45% (92 runs sampled)

Mutative - Patches and No Freeze x 752 ops/sec ±0.16% (96 runs sampled)
Immer - Patches and No Freeze x 7 ops/sec ±1.32% (23 runs sampled)

Mutative - Patches and Freeze x 425 ops/sec ±0.33% (95 runs sampled)
Immer - Patches and Freeze x 239 ops/sec ±0.99% (89 runs sampled)

The fastest method is Mutative - No Freeze

Run yarn benchmark to reproduce them locally.

OS: macOS 12.6, CPU: Apple M1 Max, Node.js: 16.14.2

Immer relies on auto-freeze to be enabled, if auto-freeze is disabled, Immer will have a huge performance drop and Mutative will have a huge performance lead, especially with large data structures it will have a performance lead of more than 50x.

So if you are using Immer, you will have to enable auto-freeze for performance. Mutative allows to disable auto-freeze by default. With the default configuration of both, we can see the performance gap between Mutative (5,323 ops/sec) and Immer (320 ops/sec).

Overall, Mutative has a huge performance lead over Immer in more performance testing scenarios. Run yarn performance to get all the performance results locally.

Features and Benefits

  • Mutation makes immutable updates
  • Support apply patches
  • Optional freezing state
  • Custom shallow copy
  • Immutable and mutable data markable
  • Strict mode for safer mutable data access
  • Support for JSON patches

Mutative Size: 4.11 kB with all dependencies, minified and gzipped.

Difference between Mutative and Immer

- Mutative Immer
Custom shallow copy
Strict mode
No data freeze by default
Non-invasive marking
Complete freeze data
Non-global config
Support IE browser

Mutative draft functions don't allow return value (except for void or Promise<void>), but immer is allowed.

Mutative has fewer bugs such as accidental draft escapes than Immer, view details.


yarn install mutative # npm install mutative


import { create } from 'mutative';

const baseState = {
  foo: 'bar',
  list: [{ text: 'coding' }],

const state = create(baseState, (draft) => { = 'foobar';
  draft.list.push({ text: 'learning' });

create(baseState, (draft) => void, options?: Options): newState

The first argument of create() is the base state. Mutative drafts it and passes it to the arguments of the draft function, and performs the draft mutation until the draft function finishes, then Mutative will finalize it and produce the new state.

Use create() for more advanced functions by setting options, which also supports currying.

  • strict - boolean, the default is false.

Forbid accessing non-draftable values in strict mode.

  • enablePatches - boolean, the default is false.

Enable patch, and return the patches and inversePatches.

  • enableAutoFreeze - boolean, the default is false.

Enable autoFreeze, and return frozen state.

  • mark - () => ('mutable'|'immutable'|function)

Set a mark to determine if the object is mutable or if an instance is an immutable, and it can also return a shallow copy function(AutoFreeze and Patches should both be disabled).


  • Why doesn't Mutative support IE?

Mutative is a library that relies heavily on the use of the Proxy object, which is a feature of modern web browsers that allows the interception of various operations on objects. As such, Mutative may not be fully compatible with older browsers that do not support the Proxy object, such as Internet Explorer. However, these older browsers make up a very small percentage of the overall browser market, so the impact on compatibility is likely minimal.

  • Why does Mutative have such good performance?

Mutative optimization focus is on shallow copy optimization, more complete lazy drafts, finalization process optimization, and more.

  • I'm already using Immer, can I migrate smoothly to Mutative?

Yes. Unless you have to be compatible with Internet Explorer, Mutative supports almost all of Immer features, and you can easily migrate from Immer to Mutative.

Migration is also not possible for React Native that does not support Proxy.


Mutative is inspired by Immer.

Mutative aims at efficient immutable updates, focusing on performance improvements and better APIs to bring better development experience. If you think Mutative is good, feel free to give it a star!



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