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📚 T-Mobile admits to 37,000,000 customer records stolen by “bad actor”

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Once more, it's time for Shakespeare's words: Once more unto the breach... ...

📌 Australian Health Insurer Medibank Admits Customer Data Stolen in Ransomware Attack

📈 29.23 Punkte

📌 Hacker Who Stole 620 Million Records has Stolen Another 127 Million Records from Another 8 Websites

📈 27.93 Punkte

📌 APT40: Examining a China-Nexus Espionage Actor « APT40: Examining a China-Nexus Espionage Actor

📈 27.21 Punkte

📌 SunTrust Banks ex-employee may have stolen 1.5 million customer records

📈 26.5 Punkte

📌 Crooks claim to have stolen 20k customer records from Superdrug cosmetics retailer

📈 26.5 Punkte

📌 U-Haul says hacker accessed customer records using stolen creds

📈 26.5 Punkte

📌 Dell customer order database of '49M records' stolen, now up for sale on dark web

📈 26.5 Punkte

📌 Facial Recognition In Schools: Clever Tech. Bad, Bad, Bad Implementation

📈 25.31 Punkte

📌 Apple Executive Explains Why Sideloading Apps Is Bad, Bad, Bad

📈 25.31 Punkte

📌 Build a Unified Customer Profile with Customer Insights in Dynamics 365 | Customer Data Platform

📈 24.43 Punkte

📌 Build a Unified Customer Profile with Customer Insights in Dynamics 365 | Customer Data Platform

📈 24.43 Punkte

📌 Scottrade admits server snafu blabbed 20,000 customer files to world

📈 23.82 Punkte

📌 Yahoo Blames Data Breach of 500M User Records On "State-Sponsored Actor"

📈 23.19 Punkte

📌 Yahoo Blames Data Breach of 500M User Records On "State-Sponsored Actor"

📈 23.19 Punkte

📌 Threat actor is selling 368.8 million records from 26 data breaches

📈 23.19 Punkte

📌 Threat Actor Claims Selling of Dell Database with 49M User Records

📈 23.19 Punkte

📌 Hackers Steal Medical Records of 35,000 Indian Patents, Including HIV Records

📈 22.52 Punkte

📌 Hackers Steal Medical Records of 35,000 Indian Patents, Including HIV Records

📈 22.52 Punkte

📌 A threat actor is selling databases stolen from 14 companies

📈 22.38 Punkte

📌 Threat actor claims to have stolen 1 TB of data belonging to Saudi Aramco

📈 22.38 Punkte

📌 #1068024 - revert to version that does not contain changes by bad actor "anything passed xz 5.3.1 maybe backdoored"

📈 22.04 Punkte

📌 Bad actor sells Huiying Medical Technology’s source code for AI-assisted COVID-19 detection

📈 22.04 Punkte

📌 Zero Trust and Insider Threats: Was Brutus the Original Bad Actor?

📈 22.04 Punkte

📌 Pandabuy admits to data breach of 1.3 million unique records

📈 21.89 Punkte

📌 Pandabuy Admits To Data Breach Of 1.3 Million Unique Records

📈 21.89 Punkte

📌 Microsoft mitigates China-based threat actor Storm-0558 targeting of customer email

📈 21.75 Punkte

📌 Threat Actor Scraped Dell Support Tickets, Including Customer Phone Numbers

📈 21.75 Punkte

📌 Hacker wants $300 for 250,000 records stolen from sex worker site

📈 21.72 Punkte

📌 324,000 Financial Records with CVV Numbers Stolen From A Payment Gateway

📈 21.72 Punkte

📌 324,000 Financial Records with CVV Numbers Stolen From A Payment Gateway

📈 21.72 Punkte

📌 MixCloud Hacked – 20 Million+ Users Stolen Personal Records Selling in Dark Web for $4,000

📈 21.72 Punkte

📌 700,000 records belonging to Choice Hotels customer leaked online. Crooks demanded ransom

📈 21.09 Punkte

📌 10,000+ WeLeakInfo customer records leaked

📈 21.09 Punkte
