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๐Ÿ“š Transmit 5.9.2 - Excellent FTP/SFTP client.

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: iOS / Mac OS
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Transmit is an excellent FTP (file transfer protocol), SFTP, S3 ( file hosting) and iDisk/WebDAV client that allows you to upload, download, and delete files over the internet. With the most Mac-like interface available, Transmit makes FTP as simple, fun, and easy as it can possibly be.

  • Added support for opening ftp+tls:// URLs from the command line
  • S3: Removed dialog when moving files to a destination with different ACLs per user requests
  • Local files displayed in Icon view now display thumbnail previews
  • Addressed a potential crash when performing remote to local File Sync
  • Moving disconnected remote tabs between windows no longer triggers auto-connect unexpectedly
  • Resolved a potential hang when canceling large transfers with very many files
  • S3: Changes to file permissions from the info sidebar are no longer potentially interrupted by file navigation
  • S3: Transfers of many files are no longer terminated with a โ€œToo many open filesโ€ error in some circumstances
  • B2: Empty child folders whose names contain / are no longer displayed as containing themselves, recursively
  • AppleScript: Addressed an issue where โ€œConnect to addressโ€ command would not use passive mode for FTP connections
  • Various cosmetic fixes and improvements

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