🔧 Vue JS Essentials: A Beginners Series on Pinia, Vitest, and Supabase #2 Pinia, Tests And Mocking
Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to
In this video series, we'll show you how to build a multistep wizard with form validation and database persistence using Vue JS and related technologies. We'll start with the basics of Vue JS and add Pinia for state management, Vue-use-form for form validation, and Vitest for testing.
The second video specifically focuses on demonstrating how to use Pinia for managing page state, user input for each of the steps in a wizard, and application state. Pinia is a state management library for Vue.js.
In addition to that, the video will also showcase how to write tests using the Vitest library for both the UI and the Pinia store. It will cover the process of mocking the Pinia store and demonstrate how to write unit tests for it. By the end of the video, you will have a clear understanding of how to use Pinia for managing state in your Vue.js applications and how to write tests for it using Vitest.
By the end of this video series, you'll have a solid foundation for building a multistep wizard with form validation and database persistence in Vue JS, Pinia, Vue-use-form, and Vitest.
What Libraries We Are Using In Series
Vuejs - The Progressive JavaScript Framework. An approachable, performant, and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.
Pinia -The intuitive store for Vue.js. Type Safe, Extensible, and Modular by design. Forget you are even using a store.
Vitest - Blazing Fast Unit Test Framework. A Vite-native unit test framework. It's fast!
vue-use-form - A composition api form validator for vue
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