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📚 Apache Tomcat 10.1.7 - Open source implementation of the Java Servlet.

💡 Newskategorie: iOS / Mac OS
🔗 Quelle:

The Apache Tomcat software is an open source implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies. The Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket specifications are developed under the Java Community Process.

The Apache Tomcat software is developed in an open and participatory environment and released under the Apache License version 2. The Apache Tomcat project is intended to be a collaboration of the best-of-breed developers from around the world. We invite you to participate in this open development project. To learn more about getting involved, click here.

Apache Tomcat software powers numerous large-scale, mission-critical web applications across a diverse range of industries and organizations. Some of these users and their stories are listed on the PoweredBy wiki page.

  • Fix: Fix a bug that memory allocation is larger than limit in SynchronizedStack to reduce memory footprint. (lihan)
  • Add: Add support for txt: and rnd: rewrite map types from mod_rewrite. Based on a pull request #591 provided by Dimitrios Soumis. (remm)
  • Update: Provide a more appropriate response (501 rather than 400) when rejecting an HTTP request using the CONNECT method. (markt)
  • Fix: 66491: Revert the switch to using the ServiceLoader mechanism to load the custom URL protocol handlers that Tomcat uses. The original system property based approach has been restored. (markt)
  • Add: Add a check for the validity of the scheme pseudo-header in HTTP/2. (markt)
  • Fix: 66482: Restore inline state after async operation in NIO2, to account the fact that unexpected exceptions are sometimes thrown by the implementation. Patch submitted by zhougang. (remm)

  • Java Runtime Environment

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📌 Apache Tomcat up to 9.0.0.M1 Java Servlet HTTP Method unknown vulnerability

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📌 Apache Tomcat Scanner: scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities

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📌 Apache Tomcat up to 4.1.10 Invoker Servlet privilege escalation

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📌 CVE-1999-0508 | Apache Tomcat Servlet Engine /conf/users hard-coded credentials (Nessus ID 11204 / ID 43021)

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📌 Apache Tomcat bis 8.5.4 CGI Servlet Environment Variable Redirect erweiterte Rechte

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📌 Apache Tomcat bis 8.5.4 CGI Servlet Environment Variable Redirect erweiterte Rechte

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📌 IBM WebSphere Application Server 2.0/3.0/ Invoker Servlet /servlet/file privilege escalation

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📌 Apache Tomcat 5.5.35/6.0.35/7.0.28 HTTP Digest Authentication Implementation improper authentication

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📌 Bajie Java HTTP Server up to 0.90 Java Servlet test information disclosure

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📌 Bajie Java HTTP Server up to 0.90 Java Servlet test information disclosure

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📌 U.S. Dept Of Defense: Tomcat examples available for public, Disclosure Apache Tomcat version, Critical/High/Medium CVE

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📌 Apache Commons FileUpload, Apache Tomcat: Eine Schwachstelle ermöglicht einen Denial-of-Service-Angriff

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📌 Apache Tomcat vs Apache HTTP server: What You Need to Know

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📌 Apache Software Foundation fixes important flaws in Apache Tomcat

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📌 Apache Tomcat up to 9.0.0.M15 Reverse-Proxy information disclosure

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📌 Apache Tomcat up to 6.0.35/7.0.27 NIO Connector resource management

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📌 Apache Tomcat 6.0.33/6.0.34/6.0.35/6.0.36/6.0.37 disableURLRewriting Session Hijacking input validation

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📌 Apache Tomcat bis 9.0.0.M15 Reverse-Proxy Information Disclosure

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📌 Apache Tomcat up to 6.0.35/7.0.29 FORM Authentication access control

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📌 CVE-2019-2996 | Oracle Java SE 8u221 Apache Tomcat information disclosure

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