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📚 MBS Xojo Plug-ins 23.1 - Comprehensive programming toolbox.

💡 Newskategorie: iOS / Mac OS
🔗 Quelle:

The MBS Xojo Plug-ins collection is a comprehensive programming toolbox that will help you solve your development issues a lot easier and quicker. It includes thousands of extra programming functions that will provide you with the means to develop better applications.

You can find a list of plugins here.

Full pricing information can be found here.

  • Fixed a bug with library loading for aarch64 on Linux for libiconv, libidn2 and libldap.
  • Fixed a crash in ToHTML method in JSONMBS class.
  • Fixed a problem loading iconv on Linux.
  • Fixed a problem with LinuxMoveMouse method in RemoteControlMBS module not working correctly.
  • Fixed isMonterey and isVentura to report correctly SystemInformationMBS module, broken in 23.0.
  • Fixed problem in BarcodeGeneratorMBS, where a warning from the zint library would be treated as an error.
  • Fixed problem in SVG method in BarcodeGeneratorMBS class to work again.

Full list of changes available here

  • REALbasic 5.5 or later

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