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๐Ÿ“š Logi Options+ - Customization for Logitech mice and keyboards.

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: iOS / Mac OS
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Enhance your experience. Logi Options+ is the powerful, easy-to-use, next-gen application that enables customization for Logitech mice and keyboards so you can work how you want.

Streamline workflows

Customize your mice and keyboards to fit your needs. Options+ lets you configure the buttons and keys to perform the most common and repetitive tasks, adjust the scrolling experience, and optimize the cursor speed to the way that works for you.

Be more productive

Use predefined settings for Google Chromeโ„ข, Edge, Safariยฎ, Zoomยฎ, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro and Microsoft Teamsยฎ. Use mouse gestures for easy navigation and Options+ Flow for seamless cross-computer work.

Status at a glance

Donโ€™t let low battery level or Caps Lock take you by surprise. Logi Options+ helps you stay on top of your mice and keyboards through status information and timely notifications to help you avoid disruptions.

Easy to use

Designed with you in mind, Logi Options+ features a fresh interface thatโ€™s simple and intuitive to use, understand, and navigate, enabling anyone to quickly and easily take advantage of all that customization offers.

  • Backend connection problem message on some Windows systems with Options+ 1.38 release

Compatibility: You need to be on Options version 8.54 and up to have both Logitech Options and Logi Options+ installed.

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