🐧 Fast-Terraform: Terraform Tutorial, How-To: Hands-on LABs, and AWS Hands-on Sample Usage Scenarios (Infrastructure As Code)
Nachrichtenbereich: 🐧 Linux Tipps
🔗 Quelle: reddit.com
I want to share the Terraform tutorial (Infrastructure As Code for Cloud), cheat sheet, and usage scenarios that I created as a notebook for myself. This repo covers Terraform with (How-To) HANDS-On LABs and AWS SAMPLEs (comprehensive, but simple):
- Resources, Data Sources, Variables, Meta Arguments, Provisioners, Dynamic Blocks, Modules, Workspaces, Templates, Remote State.
- Provisioning AWS Components (EC2, Lambda, ECS, EKS, API Gateway, ELB, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, etc.), use cases, and details. Possible usage scenarios are aimed to update over time.
Tutorial Link: https://github.com/omerbsezer/Fast-Terraform
Extra Kubernetes-Tutorial Link: https://github.com/omerbsezer/Fast-Kubernetes
Quick Look (How-To): Terraform Hands-on LABs
These LABs focus on Terraform features, and help to learn Terraform:
- LAB-00: Installing Terraform, AWS Configuration with Terraform
- LAB-01: Terraform Docker => Pull Docker Image, Create Docker Container on Local Machine
- LAB-02: Resources => Provision Basic EC2 (Ubuntu 22.04)
- LAB-03: Variables, Locals, Output => Provision EC2s
- LAB-04: Meta Arguments (Count, For_Each, Map) => Provision IAM Users, Groups, Policies, Attachment Policy-User
- LAB-05: Dynamic Blocks => Provision Security Groups, EC2, VPC
- LAB-06: Data Sources with Depends_on => Provision EC2
- LAB-07: Provisioners (file, remote-exec), Null Resources (local-exec) => Provision Key-Pair, SSH Connection
- LAB-08: Modules => Provision EC2
- LAB-09: Workspaces => Provision EC2 with Different tfvars Files
- LAB-10: Templates => Provision IAM User, User Access Key, Policy
- LAB-11: Backend - Remote States => Provision EC2 and Save State File on S3
- Terraform Cheatsheet
Quick Look (How-To): AWS Terraform Hands-on Samples
These samples focus on how to create and use AWS components (EC2, EBS, EFS, IAM Roles, IAM Policies, Key-Pairs, VPC with Network Components, Lambda, ECR, ECS with Fargate, EKS with Managed Nodes, ASG, ELB, API Gateway, S3, CloudFront, CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy) with Terraform:
- SAMPLE-01: Provisioning EC2s (Windows 2019 Server, Ubuntu 20.04) on VPC (Subnet), Creating Key-Pair, Connecting Ubuntu using SSH, and Connecting Windows Using RDP
- SAMPLE-02: Provisioning Lambda Function, API Gateway and Reaching HTML Page in Python Code From Browser
- SAMPLE-03: EBS (Elastic Block Storage: HDD, SDD) and EFS (Elastic File System: NFS) Configuration with EC2s (Ubuntu and Windows Instances)
- SAMPLE-04: Provisioning ECR (Elastic Container Repository), Pushing Image to ECR, Provisioning ECS (Elastic Container Service), VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), ELB (Elastic Load Balancer), ECS Tasks and Service on Fargate Cluster
- SAMPLE-05: Provisioning ECR, Lambda Function and API Gateway to run Flask App Container on Lambda
- SAMPLE-06: Provisioning EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) with Managed Nodes using Blueprint and Modules
- SAMPLE-07: CI/CD on AWS => Provisioning CodeCommit and CodePipeline, Triggering CodeBuild and CodeDeploy, Running on Lambda Container
- SAMPLE-08: Provisioning S3 and CloudFront to serve Static Web Site
Table of Contents
- Motivation
- What is Terraform?
- How Terraform Works?
- Terraform File Components
- Terraform Best Practices
- AWS Terraform Hands-on Samples
- SAMPLE-01: EC2s (Windows 2019 Server, Ubuntu 20.04), VPC, Key-Pairs for SSH, RDP connections
- SAMPLE-02: Provisioning Lambda Function, API Gateway and Reaching HTML Page in Python Code From Browsers
- SAMPLE-03: EBS (Elastic Block Storage: HDD, SDD) and EFS (Elastic File System: NFS) Configuration with EC2s (Ubuntu and Windows Instances)
- SAMPLE-04: Provisioning ECR (Elastic Container Repository), Pushing Image to ECR, Provisioning ECS (Elastic Container Service), VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), ELB (Elastic Load Balancer), ECS Tasks and Service on Fargate Cluster
- SAMPLE-05: Provisioning ECR, Lambda Function and API Gateway to run Flask App Container on Lambda
- SAMPLE-06: Provisioning EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) with Managed Nodes using Blueprint and Modules
- SAMPLE-07: CI/CD on AWS => Provisioning CodeCommit and CodePipeline, Triggering CodeBuild and CodeDeploy, Running on Lambda Container
- SAMPLE-08: Provisioning S3 and CloudFront to serve Static Web Site
- Details
- Terraform Cheatsheet
- Other Useful Resources Related Terraform
- References
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