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๐Ÿ“š Archstrap - Install Arch Linux from any Linux system

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

I wrote this really simple Bash script to bootstrap an Arch Linux installer on any Linux system. Why Bash? Because Bash is widely available, and we don't need to compile anything.. No need for POSIX sh here. Simply have a somewhat up-to-date Bash shell and you're set

This essentially creates an ISO structure to install Arch from a terminal instead of USB or the likes. I just implemented a --buildfs flag to build just the root filesystem and quit. Without specifying the flag it will build the root filesystem, bind mount, change root and allow you to proceed with the Arch Linux install process, from disk partitioning. It relies on /etc/resolv.conf to pass through internet connection; Making the install process much more simple and efficent

Anyway let me know what you think! Any feedback or contributions are very much appreciated. If it interest you at all, consider dropping a star!

Oh yea, I use Arch BTW

submitted by /u/wick3dr0se
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