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๐Ÿ“š generate-sitemap 1.10.0 Released

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Programmierung
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:


I just released generate-sitemap 1.10.0, a GitHub Action for generating XML sitemaps for static websites. The generate-sitemap GitHub Action is implemented in Python, and generates an XML sitemap by crawling the GitHub repository containing the html of the site, using commit dates to generate <lastmod> tags in the sitemap.

This release, generate-sitemap 1.10.0, introduces an option to specify a list of directories and/or individual files to exclude from the sitemap. The Action already automatically excluded individual html files from the sitemap if a noindex directive to robots was specified in the head of the page, as well as exclusions based on contents of the site's robots.txt. This release adds the ability to specify additional paths to exclude from the sitemap. The motivating case came from a feature request from a user who wanted to be able to exclude a directory of content common across multiple pages from the sitemap (e.g., the pages that depend upon that content should be in sitemap, but not necessarily the shared html).

Changelog 1.10.0 - 2023-11-15


  • Ability to specify list of paths to exclude from sitemap, via new input exclude-paths.


More Information

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Generate an XML sitemap for a GitHub Pages site using GitHub Actions


cicirello/generate-sitemap - Generate XML sitemaps for static websites in GitHub Actions

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The generate-sitemap GitHub action generates a sitemap for a website hosted on GitHub Pages, and has the following features:

  • Support for both xml and txt sitemaps (you choose using one of the action's inputs).
  • When generating an xml sitemap, it uses the last commit date of each file to generate the <lastmod> tag in the sitemap entry. If the file was created during that workflow run, but not yet committed, then it instead uses the current date (however, we recommend if possible committing newly created files first).
  • Supports URLs for html and pdf files in the sitemap, and has inputs to control the included file types (defaults include both html and pdf files in the sitemap).
  • Now also supports including URLs for a user specified list of additional file extensions in the sitemap.
  • โ€ฆ

For more information, see my earlier post about generate-sitemap here on DEV, as well as its webpage.

generate-sitemap - Generate an XML sitemap for a GitHub pages site using GitHub Actions

The generate-sitemap GitHub action generates a sitemap for a website hosted on GitHub Pages. Supports both xml and txt sitemaps. Uses the last commit date of each file to generate the lastmod tags in XML sitemaps. Parses robots.txt and scans html files for noindex directives, excluding URLs if noindex directives or disallows found.


Where You Can Find Me

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Vincent A. Cicirello - Professor of Computer Science

Vincent A. Cicirello - Professor of Computer Science at Stockton University - is a researcher in artificial intelligence, evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence, and computational intelligence, with a Ph.D. in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University. He is an ACM Senior Member, IEEE Senior Member, AAAI Life Member, EAI Distinguished Member, and SIAM Member.


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