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📚 Panel discussion: Addressing the ransomware threat from outside the lab Chester Wisniewski et al.

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Video
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Author: Virus Bulletin - Bewertung: 0x - Views:7

Presented at the VB2023 conference in London, 4 - 6 October 2023. ↓ Slides: N/A ↓ Paper: N/A → Details: ✪ PRESENTED BY ✪ • Chester Wisniewski (Sophos) • Paul Ducklin (Independent) • Samir Mody (K7) • Kathi Whitbey (Palo Alto Networks) • Kathryn Sherman (FBI) ✪ ABSTRACT ✪ In this discussion panel members will discuss how we might address the ransomware epidemic outside the constraints of malware detection and threat intelligence feeds. What options are on the table? Banning payments, sanctioning bad actors, cryptocurrency regulation, law enforcement cooperation, public awareness and more. The Virus Bulletin community is uniquely positioned to play an important role in minimizing the damage from these despicable attacks and can be an important partner in reducing its impact.

