
🔧 Building an E-commerce Admin Panel with Laravel, Livewire, and Kotlin Multiplatform

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Hey Dev Community! 👋 Are you ready to delve into the realm of e-commerce management systems? I'm excited to share a project that combines the robustness of Laravel and Livewire for the admin panel, alongside Kotlin Multiplatform for a cross-platform shopping application.


Our aim was to craft an admin panel that streamlines the management of products, categories, and users, complemented by a dynamic API to foster seamless interactions with the shopping platform.


Our shopping application, built with Jetpack Compose Multiplatform in Kotlin, empowers users to browse, search, and make purchases across Android and iOS devices with a user-friendly interface.

Tech Stack

Backend (Admin Panel):

  • Laravel for a strong backend foundation
  • Livewire for dynamic frontend interactions.

Cross-Platform Application:

  • Kotlin Multiplatform for shared UI components.
  • Kotlin Coroutines for asynchronous tasks.
  • Compose Multiplatform for declarative UI.
  • Material3 for consistent design.
  • Ktor for networking capabilities.
  • Datastore for efficient local data storage.
  • Precompose for streamlined development.
  • Koin for dependency injection.

Installation Guide

Laravel Installation:

  • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/soheilkhaledabdi/shop.git
  • Navigate to the directory: cd shop
  • Run composer install
  • Create a copy of .env: cp .env.example .env
  • Generate the application key: php artisan key:generate
  • Execute migrations and seed the database: php artisan migrate --seed

Key Features

Admin Dashboard: Seamlessly manage products, categories,
orders, and customers.
Laravel & Livewire: Harness Laravel's backend prowess with Livewire for reactive UI.
Full API: Enable external integrations and interactions with the shopping platform.
Table of Features

Postman Collection

Access the Postman Collection here. You can also download the JSON configuration file.

Feel free to contribute to and enhance this project by visiting the repository here. Your support by giving a star ⭐ is immensely appreciated!

Let's collaborate and build remarkable solutions together! 🚀


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